Avances en España. El Grupo Estatal de Demencias y el papel del tejido social = Advances in Spain. The State Dementia Group and the role of the social fabric
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- Videoteca
- Videoteca, Conferencias
Jesús María Rodrigo
Fecha de Publicación:
Global Summit Alzheimer
- Demencias
- Enfermedad de Alzheimer
Vídeo de la conferencia del Dr. Jesús María Rodrigo (CEAFA), titulada «Advances in Spain. The State Dementia Group and the role of the social fabric», que tuvo lugar en las instalaciones de la Fundación Champalimaud durante el Global Summit Alzheimer’s Research & Care Lisbon 2017.
Esta ponencia expone la situación actual del Grupo Estatal de Demencias que está trabajando para avanzar hacia el objetivo de tener un Plan Nacional de Alzheimer en España. Tener este Plan permitirá ordenar los esfuerzos, los recursos y, sobre todo, el trabajo de los diferentes profesionales involucrados para garantizar el cumplimiento de los derechos de las personas que conviven con la enfermedad de Alzheimer.
Alzheimer's disease is a social-health problem, which requires a response or comprehensive approach in which all the tied agents must intervene; the responsibility lies not in a group only, but in all. Although this responsibility has to be shared, there is a group especially sensitized and motivated to assume a certain commitment of leadership, which is none other than the one formed by the people affected, who live day by day with the disease and its consequences; Therefore, they are key stakeholders in "defeating Alzheimer's".
This interest is what has moved relatives and patients to take an active, demanding and persistent role over time in order to advance towards the Alzheimer's State Policy that this country needs; while other states of our closest environment bring us a considerable advantage in terms of National Alzheimer's plans, Spain lacks a specific policy that addresses this socio-health problem. For this reason, for many years now, the Spanish Confederation of Alzheimer's has adopted the banner of working for this country to have a specific Alzheimer's Plan; a commitment that has also been taken up by the Institute of Older Persons and Social Services (IMSERSO), which in 2013 launched the State Dementia Group, understood as the multidisciplinary forum from which to tackle Alzheimer's.
Following the guidelines of the World Health Organization, the State Dementia Group is working to advance towards the objective pursued by CEAFA (and by all the people it represents) of having a National Alzheimer's Plan. Having this Plan, obviously, is not going to solve the particular problems that people are every day (at least in the short term); but it will allow to order the efforts, the resources and, above all, the work of the different professionals involved to guarantee the fulfillment of the rights that the people who live with the Alzheimer's have to access the resources, services and specific attentions that require in the different moments of evolution of the disease.
Vídeo de la conferencia